Jewish Prayer for Coronavirus

Our God, and God of all people: God of the rich and God of the poor; God of the healthy, and God of the afflicted; God of those with healthcare, and God of the uninsured; God of the hoarder, and God of the helper; God of those who have no God.
The Psalmist wrote: “Who may ascend the mountain of the Eternal? Who may stand in God’s holy place? Those with clean hands and a pure heart.” (Psalm 24:3-4)
We pray that, as we wash our hands (for 20 seconds – no less…) we also might strive to find You, O God – in our hearts our hopes and our homes.
Eternal One: Bless all who come to this sacred place. Keep them healthy. Give them strength to find ways to safeguard our State and protect the lives and livelihoods of every one of its citizens.
We pray for healing of those who are affected. We pray that those who are healthy will remain so. We pray that this crisis will end and that lives and livelihoods will be spared.
And let us say: Amen

(Written by Rabbi Joseph R. Black, Senior Rabbi of Temple Emanuel in Denver, CO.)