Earthquake (April 5th, 2024)

Earthquake Alert

Magnitude: 4.8
Location: Tewksbury, New Jersey
Date & Time: April 5th, 2024 @ 1023am

Immediate Actions:

  • After shaking stops, evacuate if necessary, check for injuries and damage.
  • Expect aftershocks. Stay cautious.

Safety Tips:

  • Check local news and for updates.
  • Keep phone lines open for emergency use.

Stay Safe and vigilant

The Department of Emergency Management & Preparedness will continue to monitor this incident and provide any updates as they become available.

Check for Injuries:
Provide first aid for injuries. Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger.

Inspect for Damage:
When safe, check your home for structural damage.
If you suspect damage to gas, water, or electrical lines, shut off services and report to the proper authorities.

Expect Aftershocks:
These secondary shockwaves are usually less violent but can cause additional damage to weakened structures.

Stay Informed:
Stay updated with official news and instructions.

Additional updates to be provided by the Office of Emergency Management & Preparedness as they become available.