We are pleased to announce that St. Joseph’s Health is preparing for the anticipated arrival of the first doses of a COVID-19 vaccine (within the next 7 days) that will provide dramatic assistance in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
As you know, the vaccine addresses two critical issues; first, it will help reduce the likelihood of getting severely-ill and needing to be admitted to the hospital, and second, it will also help to prevent continued wide-spread infection and therefore interrupt disease transmission.
Phased Distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine
Because initial supplies of the vaccine provided to New Jersey hospitals will be limited – there will be a Phased Distribution process among staff, beginning with clinical and support team members who have Direct Patient-Facing Interactions. With the number of vaccines we expect to receive, we believe we will have sufficient supply to vaccinate all in this category over the course of the first few weeks.
If you have questions about your participation in the first phase – please speak with your manager/supervisor.
It is anticipated that we will receive subsequent supplies of the new vaccine over the next several weeks and months. As those supplies arrive, additional employees will be notified and scheduled to receive the vaccine.
While the COVID-19 vaccine is not mandatory for St. Joseph’s employees, it is a safe and effective way to protect you, your loved ones, co-workers and patients against the virus. It’s also our best hope to help our communities, schools and economy emerge from the pandemic and allow us to move forward.
Please continue to monitor your St. Joseph’s email account and SJH Alert for more information on the COVID-19 vaccine distribution.