COVID-19 Screening for Patients & Visitors

Thank you for serving as our “front door” for so many patients and visitors coming in to St. Joseph’s Health each day. It is critically important that we follow one standard process to screen all patients and visitors for COVID-19 at our points of entry. For your convenience, we’ve assembled a toolkit to assist in the patient/visitor screening process, a key area of observation for DNV/OSHA surveyors. Please print and share this message and the PDF documents with staff who are stationed at patient and visitor access points.

As a reminder, all patients and visitors must be screened prior to entry, which includes a temperature check and a verbal questionnaire (attached). These materials and this process mirrors those in place throughout New Jersey hospitals.

How to Conduct a Screening

  1. When a patient or visitor arrives, greet them warmly, and explain that there is a brief screening process to keep them and our patients and staff healthy.
  2. Scan their temperature using the Exactech THERMOMETER, INFRARED FOREHEAD NON CONTACT, Item Number 60304, Mfg. # IR200. 
  3. Read the screening questions to them. 

If the screening is negative, please direct them to their destination. If the screening is positive, staff will need to direct patients and visitors according to their protocol.  The screening area manager/director must create a protocol in collaboration with receiving areas and review/rehearse scripted responses with staff.   

A positive screening for a patient does not mean that an individual is denied access; however, that determination must be made by the receiving department.  Visitors who have a positive screening will be asked to delay their visit.

Thank you for your time and attention to standardizing our screening process.   Questions regarding the screening process may be directed to Julie Van Houten at 973-754-2255.